CREO’s Conservatory Program is for dancers considering a future in dance beyond CREO. Including four audition-based tracks, these dancers commit to a class regimen reflective of the highest degree of excellence in their respective areas of focus. Conservatory dancers are considered ambassadors for the CREO studio, both as leaders within the CREO community and representatives of CREO outside the studio.
How to enter the Conservatory Program: Please complete the interest form below and contact us at (952) 465-0018 or for more information about joining the Conservatory Program.
Conservatory Program Interest Form
Conservatory Program Expectations
- Demonstrate Outstanding Attendance in ALL Classes
- No absences allowed in the 3 weeks before Cathedral or Recital
- Dancers are expected to attend all full cast rehearsals, dress rehearsals, and arrive on time for performances they are involved in.
- Attendance is required at Cathedral Dance Festival and CREO’s Spring Recital
- Adhere to the regimen for your accelerated & conservatory track
- Excellent Conduct & Leadership: Demonstrate respect for your teammates, your instructor, and the CREO director by using class and rehearsal time wisely and focusing your attention on class goals.
- Be willing to try new things, fall, fail, stretch, and grow.
Conservatory Program Extra Curricular Policy
As ambassadors of the school and leaders among the CREO community, Conservatory dancers are expected to hold impeccable attendance in all CREO classes in order to build teamwork among their classmates and progress with class material. Therefore, dancers involved in on-going extra curriculars such as a long-term sport should consider their schedule before auditioning for a conservatory track. Pending a conversation with the CREO director and conservatory track instructor, dancers may be allowed to participate in short term engagements outside of their conservatory commitments.
Fall-Spring 2025-2026 classes run Thursday, September 4th 2025 through Monday, June 1st 2026!
Tuition prices listed below reflect the monthly tuition rate. Please note that your $45 registration fee and first month’s tuition is charged upon registration.
Early Bird Registration Discount: Register by June 8th 2025, and receive a $20 discount! (1 per family)
Multi-Conservatory Program Discount: Dancers participating in 2 or more conservatory classes receive a discount on their tuition by semester.